My friend Angela and my sister Alainna threw a baby shower for me and the theme was Mom Jeans. (If you are not familiar with this term, I recommend you watch the Saturday Night Live clip ). I guess they think that now I am having a baby, my body will permanantly change so that I have to start wearing a new style of jeans!
Were these jeans really ever in style or did just a few fashion oblivious mothers wear them because they were more comfortable? There couldn't possible be a time in our recent history when it was fashionable to have the long bum look, right?

As you can see, both Lainna and Angela are sporting the long bum look here.

I think I will send this picture to Lainna's husband who seems to be out of town more than he is home. How will he be able to stay away with such an enticing picture of what he is misssing out on?

My co-workers came to the mom jeans party and gave us a pack-n-play which will be our daughter's permanant bed for the next several months. I had these great plans for painting an old crib, sewing her a quilt and fixing up a cute little room for our baby. But Peter doesn't want to give up his "office" and we don't want to collect a bunch of baby furniture that we will have to move across the country with us in August when we go to law school. So I hope our daughter doesn't have any expectations for a high standard of living. I still don't know how she is going to survive the summer months living in an apartment where the bedroom reaches 95 degrees and doesn't cool down at night.
We are down to 4 more weeks until our due date. I can't believe how close we are to the end and I keep trying to imagine what it will be like to have our baby outside of my belly. I have never been so excited for anything in my whole life!
I like this shower idea because the prego girl is the only one allowed to dress cute. You look really good. Love the hair. Wish I coulda come.
I can't believe how fast your pregnancy has gone. It makes me so sad because it means that Zoey is that much older. Looks like you had a blast. Congrats again and tell Lainna hi for me!
Oh the MOM JEANS. I still see people wearing these and I want to slip them an anonymous note to let them know they should really let that fashion trend GO. Too bad we're so far away but we'll be sending y'all something. Maybe some baby Wranglers and pink boots from her Texan kin.
Great shower idea! Oh, by the way, according to my Mom those jeans were in style at one point. Who knew?!?! :)
Candice, have you had it yet?
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