Friday, March 19, 2010

Peter's Spring Break

Peter had spring break last week which meant that we got to spend a little bit more time with him. We were invited by one of his friends to go on a "hike." It turned out that it wasn't much of a hike at all, at least we wouldn't call it a "hike" in Utah. It was more like a walk through a forest. But it was a beautiful day and it felt so good to be outside. I am looking forward to going back after the trees have leaves. It will be beautiful.

Laura is so much fun these days. She is constantly getting into trouble. Here are some of her latest tricks I've caught her in:

It seems like everyday she learns something new. Yesterday she danced for the first time and today she learned how to stand up in her high chair. I liked the dancing way better than the standing up in the high chair.

I just painted and recovered this little rocking chair to go in her room. She loves to sit in it and make it rock and can climb out all by herself.