After we put Laura to bed, we set up the play kitchen that we have been working on the last couple of weeks. I think it turned out so cute. I was so excited for her to see it. So by 6:30 am I was awake laying in bed wondering when Laura was going to wake up. By 7:30, Peter and I couldn't wait any longer so we woke her up and brought her down stairs to see what Santa had brought her.
She seemed pretty happy about it and immediately began going through the cupboards and pulling out the dishes and food. We helped her put on her little apron, chef hat, and oven mitt that I made to go with the kitchen and she looked so dang cute.
We spent the rest of the morning in our matching pj pants watching "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World" which we got for Christmas from my brother Jeremy. It brought back a lot of memories of my childhood.
I love Christmas time! It is so wonderful to have my husband home all day and to be able to spend time with the two people I love most in the world.
I think this is our fourth Christmas too since being married, so I'm trying to figure out how it is yours too. Merry Christmas Candice!
The kitchen is so adorable. I love it! We have been thinking about you lots this week and keeping you in our prayers.
How wonderful! I love the kitchen set! Did you make that yourself? I wish I could do something as amazing. We are applying to law schools right now...we'll be starting what you are living this next year. We are excited! Seems like you are doing great!
Super cute! You guys are talented! I am glad you had a great Christmas.
So creative, as always! The little kitchen is adorable!
Candice you have totally amazed us with Laura's present. But we are really confused how this could be your best Christmas since last Christmas we were down at your house. . . .huh??
You never cease to amaze me, Candice, the kitchen is awesome! So happy Christmas was great for you guys!
Candice, this is SO creative and amazing! I am glad you are having so much fun with Laura. Every age with my Lucy (who is now nearly 14 months!) seems to be better than the last. Wish you lived closer.
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