I love staying home everday and taking care of my baby. I love watching all the funny things she does with her hands, arms, legs, face, etc. I found her sleeping in this position during one of her naps.

While we were in the hospital, the nurses brought Laura back to our room with a pacifier in the crib. That night she was crying and we couldn't figure out what to do so we put the pacifier in her mouth and she immediately stopped crying. It was amazing. We have used the pacifier ever since. She loves it. However, it is both a blessing and a curse. I spend many hours each day and night putting the pacifier back in her mouth!

I wish I could say she inherited these skinny legs from her mother.
Wow! Those are some skinny legs!! Maybe she will be lucky enough to take after her Grandma Munk in that way.
We can't wait to see her. She is adorable!
She definitely looks like you in the face and SO TINY!What a super cutie. Pacifiers are a blessing and a curse. WE're still fighting the curse part, but it's totally worth it if it makes em sleep good
Laura is adorable! Thanks for keeping the pictures coming, I love them. So far I am following in your footsteps - 3 days overdue today. Stick a fork in me already!!
She is so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi mami Fielding. Guess what? I got Florez blogging: http://taniaygabrielfarias.blogspot.com
Check it out
Que hermosa se ve ella!!! Aprovecha cada momento con tu princesita.
She is beautiful! Congratulations!
"The Pacifier"... Nosotros aqui le decimos "Chupete" jaja suena chistoso verdad... Yo use chupete hasta los 5 años, ya era muy grande para usarlo pero era divertido hasta que mi hermano lo escondio en una habitacion de la casa y lo encontramos cuando yo tenia 8 años mientras nos mudabamos a una nueva casa.
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