1. My baby loves blueberries. She would eat blueberries all day long if I let her. They were on sale last week at Wal-Mart so I bought a bunch and gave them to her to try. She loved it and has been eating them ever since. About 3 weeks ago, she decided she didn't want me feeding her anymore. Since then, she will only eat things that she feeds herself. I have been trying to find things soft and small enough for a toothless mouth and big enough that she can grab them with her awkward fingers. Blueberries are perfect. We are both going to be sad when the sale is over. Fresh blueberries are way too expensive to buy at regular price.
2. She is crawling now and the hard wood floors don't slow her down at all. She crawls all over the house looking for things to put in her mouth.
3. Her favorite toy is my toothbrush. She likes to sit on the bathroom cupboard while I brush my teeth and wait for her turn.
4. She now has one tooth, with one more on the way.