I made her a farm cake with animal cupcakes. Laura loves animals right now so she thought it was pretty fun. She mostly just wanted to eat the candy off the top of each cupcake and would then put it back and reach for another one. Which was fine with me since I didn't want the candy on there spoiling my cupcake anyways.

I mentioned in my last post that I have been doing a lot of sewing. And I meant it. Lots of sewing. Laura's present for her birthday was a doll with lots of matching outfits. I'm not going to say how many because it is kind of embarrassing how much time I wasted on this project, but seriously how fun is it so sew something cute for your daughter, and then make a miniature version for her doll? Here she is in her matching giraffe jammies and knot dresses.

She also got a backpack with her name on it so she can store all the fun things that she constantly wants to bring with us when we leave the house (stuffed animals, snacks, balloons, blankets, Peter's football, etc...) She loves it. She calls it her "packpack" and insisted on wearing it to church today. She keeps putting it on and saying, "bye bye, mamma" and walking to the door. When I ask her where she is going she answers, "cools" (school). She knows the drill from watching her Daddy leave every morning.

Being Laura's mom brings me so much happiness. I love it! Even with everything we have been dealing with the last few months, it is hard to ever feel sad with such a beautiful and happy little daughter. I just wish she could stay this age forever because it is my favorite.

Girl, you are sewing machine. Laura looks sooo much like Peter in these pictures. I like her doll the best. Way to keep things diverse.
Seriously? Stop being so awesome. :)
That cake is so so cute! I love the matching outfits for Laura and her doll. Her backpack is darling too! You are so talented!
So cute Candice. I think I'm going to have to send you some material so you can sew a little something for Liliana. I try but def don't have the skills you do! TQM!
Your talent and ambition amaze me. Laura is a very lucky little girl to have such an awesome mom! I hope everything goes well tomorrow, we will be praying for you guys!
Definitely my favorite age, too. :) There is something so innocent that makes them irresistably cute!
Candice! I found your blog again. Your little girl is so big and so cute! hope all goes well with your delivery of Angelica. Look forward to an update.
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